Games reaching the end of their life cycle result in services being shut down: servers, multiplayer, paid for assets, community content. NFTs solve this problem by giving permanent, permissionless ownership of in-game assets.
The perpetual use of an ever growing library of NFTs also bootstraps asset requirements for games being created in the same multiverse. Either by creating application cross-compatible NFTs or providing similar functionality using incompatible NFTs as a proof of ownership or authorization for features. A weapon NFT may authorize airdropping an equivalent NFT for a totally separate application.
The Novellia DAO provides an authorization layer for NFTs to be used across multiple applications. This prevents the minting of NFTs from arbitrary smart contracts that might otherwise devalue a game’s economy. The listing of NFTs denominated in NVLA results in the perpetual increase of asset value as the token itself appreciates. This makes the platform profitable for onboarding developers, as their assets inherit its momentum.
Tokens minted from an immutable smart contract are denominated in NVLA. This results in older assets gaining value over time, spurring the economical growth of dApps built on the platform.d